

Keys in settings file, e.g. _wasd_settings.yml:

  • url required: Your app URL;

  • implicit_timeout: Implicit wait timeout in seconds, default 5;

  • window_size: 'maximize' or explicitly '1280x1024', default '800x600';

  • protocol: remote WebDriver protocol, default 'http';

  • host: remote WebDriver host, default 'localhost';

  • port: remote WebDriver port, default '4444';

  • path: remote WebDriver path, default '/wd/hub';

  • foo_bar_baz: any data, e.g.:

username: 'admin'
password: 'themostsecurepasswordintheworld'
  • capabilities required: Selenium desired capabilities, e.g. for Chrome:

    browserName: 'chrome'
    unexpectedAlertBehaviour: 'accept'
        browser: 'INFO'
        args: ['--disable-infobars']

Note: The key"chromeOptions" was changed in chromedriver v2.31 to "goog:chromeOptions"

Locating Elements

Most methods operate on a DOM element. Locator must be instance ofElement class.

<!-- Given DOM -->
<foo id="parent">
    <bar id="child" class="message">Hello world!</bar>
    <bar id="child" class="message">Goodbye and Farewell!</bar>
from wasd.wd import Element as E

# To locate <foo> element:
foo = E("foo")
foo = E("#parent")

# To locate <bar> element:
bar = E("bar")
bar = E(".message")
bar = E("#child", E("//foo")) # Pass a second argument
                                # to locate element within given context

Last updated